Which Cosmetic Dental Procedures Are Right For Me?


Which Cosmetic Dental Procedures Are Right For Me?

When it comes to achieving a healthy, radiant smile, you might want to invest in cosmetic dental procedures. After all, over 30% of people smile more than 20 times each day and fewer than 14% smile less than five; when you're this happy, you want to showcase a smile that's as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside.

But accidents happen and your teeth are sensitive to changes and breakage. It's not uncommon for people to lose teeth because of an accident, old age, or even genetics. That's right: you can do everything right and your family lineage will still blindside you with a higher propensity toward gum disease. Luckily, cosmetic dental procedures can help your smile look like new again.

Once you've decided that cosmetic dental procedures are the right option for you, you might be stuck on where to begin. If you're suffering from the following issues, here are the best cosmetic dentistry options available to transform your smile:

For cracked, fractured, or decaying teeth

Whether it's because of an accident or poor luck of the draw, anyone can suffer the ill health effects of fractured or decaying teeth. This painful condition can lead to heightened tooth sensitivity, intense pain, and a look you're not happy with. When all of these symptoms combine, your self-esteem may plummet without correction. That's why many people who have these issues invest in dental bonding.

Dental bonding is one of the least expensive forms of cosmetic dentistry available on the market. These bonds can last up to 10 years, giving you a beautiful vibrant smile in the span of a single dental visit. Here's how they work:

  1. First your dentist will assess the tooth in question and determine whether or not it's a good candidate for bonding. In particularly bad cases, some teeth suffering from decay or serious fractures must be removed altogether.

  2. Once your dentist determines if dental bonding is the right option, they will roughen the tooth's surface to help the bonding grip to your teeth. This will ensure the bonding doesn't slide off or create pockets of air.

  3. Following the etching, the dentist will typically douse your teeth in a conditioning liquid to ensure proper adherence to the tooth.

  4. Your cosmetic dentist will then apply a putty-like resin that matches the general color of your teeth for a consistent appearance. After they morph it to your tooth, your dentist will harden the resin via UV light.

  5. The last step is coating the resin in a polish to match the look of the rest of your teeth. More often than not, the whole procedure takes less than an hour.

For patients who want a longer-lasting option, many opt for the more expensive choice: veneers. Cosmetic dentists will apply veneers after taking a mold of your teeth, ensuring a perfect fit. These veneers look just like your normal teeth with added strength to boot. However, not everyone is a good candidate for veneers and it might be a more realistic option to invest in dental bonding. Be sure to talk to your family dentist about which option is the right fit for you.

For dull or stained teeth

Everyone wants a healthy, white smile, but bad habits can result in yellow, stained teeth. While bonding and veneers are great options for correcting a darker smile, teeth whitening has become a far more popular cosmetic dental procedure.

Teeth whitening, also known as tooth bleaching, is a fast way to change the appearance of your smile. This is a great option for people with otherwise healthy teeth that just need a pick-me-up visually. When you rely on an experienced cosmetic dentist, you can rest assured that dental bleaching will whiten and brighten your smile in a safe environment. Be sure to talk about all your options -- including potentially dangerous over-the-counter options -- with your dentist before investing in cosmetic dental procedures like this.

If you have a few stains on your teeth, your dentist might also opt for enamel abrasion. This is a less-popular way to rid stains from the surface of your teeth. By using a fine pumice, your dentist is able to administer micro-abrasions to the tooth's surface, gently scraping away the layer of stain.

Keep in mind that this technique only works for stains on the outer layer of your tooth, typically caused by tobacco, wine, and coffee. For intrinsic stains, opting for veneers or bonding may be a better option.

For missing teeth

The American Dental Association notes that the average adult has at least three decayed or missing teeth, making this an exceedingly common issue. With the help of your cosmetic dentist, however, missing teeth are easily replaced with implants, dentures, or bridges.

Bridges are a type of device that literally bridges the gap between your teeth. By stabilizing the bridge on your existing teeth, the hole is then filled with an artificial substitute, masking the missing section.

This differs from implants which are surgically implanted into your jaw. These cosmetic dental procedures are more in-depth and typically require sedation dentistry to get the job done. Once the post is implanted into your jaw, a replacement tooth is situated on top. At the end of the procedure, your implant looks and feels just like your tooth.

Dentures are most common among people missing many teeth. These removable teeth mimic the appearance of a full set of teeth and help many people eat and drink with ease. While they're common among older people, patients of any age can benefit from dentures if they're missing sections of adjacent teeth.

Schedule a consultation today

According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, more than 86% of patients are investing in cosmetic dental procedures to improve their self-esteem and physical appearance. While looking over these options can help you determine which cosmetic procedure is right for you, the only way to know for sure is by relying on the professionals. A cosmetic dentist has the experience and knowledge necessary to determine the best course of action for your smile. Whether that includes bonding, implants, or a simple whitening is up to them. When you're ready to invest in a healthy, beautiful smile, don't hesitate to set up a consultation with the cosmetic dentists you can trust: Aesthetic Family Dental Care.

Drew Rossell