Children’s Dental Appointments FAQ

If my child has a large cavity, why can't we just extract it?

Baby teeth do fall out eventually, but they are necessary for being the placeholder and managing the growth of adult teeth. Premature tooth loss can cause alignment issues throughout the entirety of the mouth.

Does my child really need an x-ray?

X-rays are beneficial at a young age because it helps our dentists catch any diseases or irregularities that can be managed prior to adult teeth growing in.

Which toothbrush should I buy for my child?

Making sure a child has a toothbrush small enough to fit inside of their mouth so they can reach every angle of their teeth is important. You could also purchase a child's toothbrush with a timer in order to ensure they brush their teeth for long enough, every time.

How often should my child visit the dentist?

Once every 6 months, same as adults. If you practice preventative care, the less common emergencies will occur and the regular dental visits become not dreaded painful experiences. We want your child to like the dentist, so preventative care is the best way to establish that.

How much toothpaste should my child use?

Once your child grows their very first tooth, switch to fluoride toothpaste and apply a grain of rice-sized amount. Once they get a little older, they can apply a pea-sized amount.

How old should my child be to schedule an orthodontic appointment?

At the age of 7, your child should still have a good amount of baby teeth as well as adult teeth. At that age, we can view the growth patterns of their teeth and decide on any correctional work that needs to be done.

Does my child need a filling for a baby tooth?

Cavities can spread to other healthy teeth and the adult teeth underneath. Baby teeth are less dense so the decay can spread more rapidly. It is very important to receive fillings for baby teeth.

Huynh, Dr. “Children's Dental Health FAQ - Top Rated Cosmetic & General Dentist in Mesa AZ 85203: Eastport Dental.” Top Rated Cosmetic & General Dentist in Mesa AZ 85203 | Eastport Dental, 12 Apr. 2021,
