The Various Intersections Of Oral Health And Cosmetic Dentistry


Forbes recently reported that 30% of people smile more than 20 times per day, while less than 14% smile less than five times per day. As dentists, we'd like to see 100% of people smile as much as they can, but sometimes there are reasons our patients would rather not. That's what we're here for.

Cosmetic dental services are usually thought to be non-essential oral procedures, but we can assure you that many cosmetic dental treatments are greatly beneficial to your oral health as well as your aesthetic. Let's take a look at a few of them.

Orthodontic Straightening

There was a time when people thought that having straight teeth was merely aesthetic. While people with straight smiles are more likely to show them off and experience a boosted self-confidence, a straight smile is an important part of oral health. Straight teeth with the correct bite can keep you from grinding your teeth and biting the inside of your sensitive cheeks. When teeth are straight, it's easier to get to all the spaces between and around them whilst brushing and flossing. Crooked and crowded teeth have more blind spots that are difficult to reach. This can eventually become problematic, leading to cavities, bad breath, and other oral health issues.

Dental Implants

Tooth loss happens. When you lose teeth, it can cause the surrounding ones to move around. This makes your bite unstable and can lead to structural jaw problems like bone loss. Dental implants ensure that the structure of your smile remains and the foundation in your jawbone is secure, even though teeth have been lost.

Gum Maintenance

The most forgotten parts of oral health are the gums. They hold our teeth in place and support them, so gum disease is a serious concern. It doesn't take long for gum issues to become tooth issues. Cosmetic dental treatments like gum therapy and advanced periodontal care are very popular for reasons both cosmetic and medical.

These are but a few examples of how cosmetic dental treatments and general dental care crossover with one another. The dental world is looking out for your oral health together; we aren't picking sides. We just want to see you all proud of your healthy smiles and would be honored to help you get there.

Drew Rossell