Don't like shots?

I believe more people have this fear than any other when it comes to getting dental work done. Most procedures still require the use of anesthesia to make you comfortable. Though the “shot” has not been completely eliminated, there are some exciting advances in dental anesthesia that will make your visit more comfortable

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Drew Rossell
Should I replace silver fillings?

I like to tell my patients that there are three major flaws with silver fillings. First they are ugly. Second, they are not typically bonded to the tooth and they expand and contract with temperature, thus allowing teeth to fracture. And third, they are just plain ugly(yes, I know i said that twice).

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Drew Rossell
Is gum chewing bad for my teeth?

Although some consider gum chewing a “dirty habit”, occasionally chewing the right kind of gum can actually be a “clean habit”. Chewing sugarless gum can have a lot of benefits on your teeth and mouth besides just fresh breath.

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Drew Rossell
Are x-rays really dangerous?

Q: I had x-rays taken at the dentist recently and they forgot to use a lead apron… should i be concerned?

A: Just like most things these days, “they don’t make ‘em like they used to”…and that is a good thing when we’re talking about dental x-ray equipment. For the the last 10 years, Digital X-ray equipment has been on the rise in dental offices and it is quickly becoming the standard of care.

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Drew Rossell
Got bad breath?

Q: What is the best way to get rid of bad breath?

A: Bad breathe comes from a number of sources. Of course, the obvious would be a lack of good oral hygiene practices. But brushing your teeth twice daily isn’t enough. Chronic bad breath which originates in the mouth typically comes from bacteria that most everybody already has.

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Drew Rossell
The Benefits of Going to the Dentist Regularly

The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry found that nearly 74% of adults feel that an unattractive smile can hurt their career success. Many more adults suffer from anxiety about the look and health of their gums and teeth. The only way to fight this anxiety and feel confident every time you meet someone is to regularly go to your dentist.

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Drew Rossell
Smile Makeovers: Your Guide To Which Procedures Can Improve Your Teeth

There are very few people lucky enough to have a completely perfect smile, so most of us have one or two reasons why we might want to see a cosmetic dentist. Whether your teeth are discolored, uneven, or have gaps, there is a solution in dental care for you. Take a peek at this list of common cosmetic dental issues, and find the solution that will give you the perfect smile.

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Drew Rossell
How does Invisalign® work?

Q: Does Invisalign® really work as well as old fashioned braces?

A: Actually, Invisalign® works really well and can straighten crooked teeth in a wide variety of orthodontic conditions. They will, without a doubt, get every case straighter than before you started. With Invisalign®, you get a new appliance every two weeks instead of having your dentist or orthodontist place a new wire every month or two.

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Drew Rossell
Does Whitening toothpaste and mouthwash really work?

Q: Can I really whiten my teeth using whitening toothpaste or whitening mouthwash?

A: Unless you are a smoker or drink a lot of tea or coffee, you probably won’t notice a substantial improvement in the color of your teeth by using these products. Smoking and drinking certain drinks can leave stains on teeth—especially between the teeth.

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Drew Rossell
Afraid of Dentists? 3 Steps to Overcome Your Dental Fears

Oddly enough, there are a variety of fears and anxieties associated with the human mouth. Many people experience nightmares about their teeth crumbling or falling out, and in 2015, 20% of American adults stated they suffered from anxiety due to the condition of their mouth and teeth. Perhaps the biggest tooth-related fear is the fear of going to the dentist. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people put off scheduling an appointment at a dental practice due to nerves.

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Drew Rossell
Does Your Date Really Care About Your Teeth?

It can be hard to muster the courage to go on a date so you want to ensure you're putting your best foot forward. That means choosing a location you love, wearing an outfit that makes you feel confident, and making sure your teeth look pearly white for the occasion.

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Drew Rossell
Should you get a second opinion?

Q: Is it a bad idea to get a second opinion on the treatment my dentist recommends?

A: If you ask three dentists the same question, you’ll probably get four different answers. There are a variety of acceptable ways to treat a particular dental condition. Each treatment method carries with it pros and cons and as a patient, how are you to know what those are?

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Drew Rossell
Five Signs It’s Time to Take Your Child to the Dentis

Many adults dread going to the dentist. In fact, 20% of adults in the US said the condition of their mouth and teeth gave them anxiety. A good way to keep all that adult anxiousness at bay is to start good dental habits young. Getting children to the dentist regularly is vitally important to their health, and teaching them good habits can help them grow to adults who do not fear the dentist’s chair.

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Drew Rossell